I'm pretty sure it is...
on April 7th!
So yea, it's my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm turning 25. Um-hmm.....
Actually, to be perfectly honest, this is the last year I will be in my 30's. THAT is pretty eye opening and I'm not sure how to take it so I'm ignoring that little detail.
Other than the big FOUR-OH looming on the horizon, this next year has some huge changes coming. The adoption being the biggest. And how can I be sad about that? I can't! It's going to be a wonderful year!
Have a great day, I hope you enjoy MY day! Try to notice.... isn't this a better day than, say, April 6th?
(For 10 points, what is the best YEAR?)
Happy birthday!!!!!
1970 :) well for you that might be the best year.
Happy birthday Mitchell!!!!
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy, Happy Birthday to YOU!!! Have a great day and this is going to be a great year...you're going to be a Mommy!!! Harmony
Oh and really, April 4th is the best day. That's when Shane was born :-)
is it 2009 cause you'll be getting your daughter?
Happy Happy! I'm going with 40!
oops!! totally forgot to wish you a happy birthday!!! hope you had a great day!
FIRST, Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a super fabulous day! Second, I LOVE that cake! Third, just a friendly reminder that you now need to update your profile on the right as "I'm a 38 year old..." is now outdated. ;-)
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