Monday, October 5, 2009

(New!) Parental guessing game....

"The first static burp is enough to send every cell into a state of rigid hyper-vigilance...."

Parents around the world will recognize this instinctive phenomenon.

Guesses in the comments please ;-)

(No prize for this one, but if this proves a popular game I might continue with some prizes.)


Kiki said...

I don't get it. Nothing happens when I click on that picture. Are we supposed to move things around or something?

Anonymous said...

Huh. This is pretty hard., Your kid sticking his finger in the socket?


Adopting1Soon said...

Kik, the picture is just static and doesn't do anything. You are just supposed to guess what the sentence is referring to.

Charmaine, sorry, close but no cigar :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing it is the first time you hear your child stop breathing as you listen through a sleep monitor.

Kiki said...

Oooh, I thought it had something to do with the picture. Ok, then I think Dani must have it correct. The baby monitor thing.