Sunday, December 27, 2009

Santa's Revenge:

On our flight home, when we were about to land, I shifted Charlie's position on my lap and all of a sudden I felt this warm gush.....

Since I was buckled in and not allowed to visit the restroom, I was trapped.

But a warm trapped. Which is better than a cold trapped. So I tried to look at the bright side. ANDDDDDD.... we didn't crash so that is always appreciated (Thank you, Gods!)

I guess Santa got me good for this!


He also got me a great camera and so as soon as I figure out how to upload the pics, I will post a few (hundred) of Charlie's first Christmas with the family. She had a wonderful, fun, overwhelming, playing, laughing, dancing, cousin-y, delicious, chaotic, and loved-filled Christmas. It was GREAT!

I hope all of your holidays were filled with joy.

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